Elevate Business Comfort:
Expert Commercial Air Conditioning Installations

Ensure Comfort & Boost Business Productivity Through Tailored Commercial Air Conditioning Solutions

In the dynamic world of business, maintaining a comfortable environment for both customers and staff is essential. Our commercial air conditioning systems are meticulously crafted to seamlessly integrate into any business, ensuring optimal comfort throughout the day. Whether you’re a small enterprise or a large corporation, we offer a range of systems to suit your unique needs.

At Essex Cooling, we understand the importance of making the right choice for your business. Our team of experts are ready to provide professional advice tailored to your specific requirements. Take the first step towards a perfectly climate-controlled work space – get in touch with Essex Cooling today. Let our experts guide you to a more comfortable and productive environment.

How It Works

Book Your Survey

Book a call with us so we can arrange a survey and get your quote.

Have Your Installation Carried Out

One of our trusted and qualified technicians will be dispatched to install your air conditioning unit.

office worker leaning back at his desk with his hands behind his head enjoying the new office air conditioning unit that has been installed above him.

Boost Productivity

Work in comfort and boost productivity thanks to your air conditioning system.

Why Choose Essex Cooling


10 yearsof fun

With over 25 years of industry expertise, we take great pride in delivering efficient and amicable solutions for all your air conditioning needs. Having collaborated with a diverse clientele, encompassing both commercial and domestic sectors, you can trust us to handle



You can rest assured that our fully DBS checked and industry certified technicians will deliver. We even offer a FREE maintenance check-up later down the line to ensure that everything is working as it should.

Our Promise

We pride ourselves on honesty and trust and we promise to provide exceptional quality in all aspects of what we do. At Essex Cooling, we stand firmly behind our work, providing strict guarantees and ensuring that all air conditioning units come with robust warranties.